Regular Dental Reform Meeting between SG/BDA/SDPC – 7 December 2022

Posted by: Amy McKenzie - Posted on:

Present: David McColl, Chair of Scottish Dental Practice Committee (SDPC); Jeff Ellis, SDPC member; Charlotte Waite, Director, BDA Scotland; Chief Dental Officer; Gillian Leslie, Deputy Chief Dental Officer; Scottish Government officials.

The CDO welcomed everyone to the meeting, highlighting the need for the BDA / SDPC and Scottish Government to have focussed discussions around payment system reform fees. 

The progress that has been made through the CDO Advisory Group Meeting to date was discussed.  It was noted that a range of views are being taken into account to help ensure the payment system provides for sustainable NHS dental services.  It was further noted that a wider range of operational discussions will be taken forward by Scottish Government, including with Health Boards through Directors of Dentistry, and with NHS National Services Scotland.

It has been agreed that further meetings on payment reform will take place in the new year with BDA / SDPC representatives. No methodology in relation to the process of fee setting or payment allocation was discussed.

A discussion will be had at the end of each meeting to agree points raised and this will be available for the dental sector to view on the website.