Regular Dental Reform Meeting between SG/BDA/SDPC – 1 February 2023

Posted by: Amy McKenzie - Posted on:

Present: David McColl, Chair of Scottish Dental Practice Committee (SDPC), Josephine Weir, Deputy Chair of SDPC, Charlotte Waite, Director, BDA Scotland, Tom Ferris, Chief Dental Officer, Gillian Leslie, Deputy Chief Dental Officer, Scottish Government officials.

The CDO welcomed everyone to this further meeting between Scottish Government and BDA / SDPC representatives regarding dental reform. BDA / SDPC were thanked for providing a clearly structured document to Scottish Government regarding the committee’s views on the new Determination 1.

BDA / SDPC reported that SDPC members had been surveyed regarding fees and treatment times as part of the ‘BDA Timings Inquiry’ research. SG asked to see these timings as soon as possible so they could help inform the fee setting process.

BDA / SDPC stated there should be more clarity in the Determination 1 around the term ‘clinically necessary’  to ensure that there is similar interpretation by both the dentist and Practitioner Services Division.

BDA / SDPC put forward that the out-of-hours allowance should be reviewed along with a wider discussion about all the allowances, as part of the full package of renumeration, stating that details of the full renumeration package must be clearly laid out with the costings. The CDO agreed to include out of hours as an agenda item at the next SG/BDA/SDPC meeting in March, and to discuss allowances with the BDA Chair and Vice Chair at the next sub-group meeting.

The CDO noted that the intention remains for the financial discussions to have concluded by April and the implementation phase concluded by 31 October 2023. Scottish Government have engaged in early discussions with Practitioner Services and system suppliers on what changes will be required. Discussions have also taken place with NHS Education for Scotland, in which the intention will be to run a series of standalone webinars for the profession. An EQIA will be taken forward to ensure that any inequalities are accounted for.

The CDO stated that they were not yet in a position to discuss the costings in relation to payment reform. BDA / SDPC expressed disappointment that Scottish Government was not in a position to confirm details of the 23/24 GDS budget or commence discussions on payment reform.

The next meeting between SG and BDA/SDPC representatives has been rearranged to take place on 8 March; it is agreed this will be an informal exploratory meeting on allowances.