Regular Dental Reform Meeting between SG/BDA – 29 March 2023

Posted by: Amy McKenzie - Posted on:

Present: Josephine Weir, Deputy Chair of SDPC, Charlotte Waite, Director, BDA Scotland, Tom Ferris, Chief Dental Officer, Gillian Leslie, Deputy Chief Dental Officer, Scottish Government officials.

The CDO welcomed BDA / SDPC to the meeting and explained that SG are currently in a holding pattern with regards to moving forward with dental reform as the new First Minister and Cabinet Secretary settle into their new roles. It was explained that dentistry is a priority and that pressing decisions on dentistry will be agreed at the earliest opportunity. BDA / SDPC expressed disappointment and frustration that the payment reform negotiations were still not able to proceed.

Maternity Payments Determination V were discussed in relation to ensuring that the allowance  is accessible, along with relevant support and  publicised information. It was agreed that producing a simplified guide created between SG, BDA / SDPC and PSD would be helpful and could also include a webinar on all the allowances. SG and BDA to discuss this further in an additional meeting.

SG noted that a number of changes to The National Health Service (General Dental Services) (Scotland) Regulations 2010 are proposed to run alongside the implementation of the new Determination 1 and provided further information on the reasoning for each of the proposed changes. These changes include introducing a single capitation arrangement and removal of occasional treatment items. BDA / SDPC will be asked to provide their views on the proposed regulation changes, with SG noting that some of the changes are essential in relation to payment reform and some would be beneficial to introduce. SG are of the view that moving from a ‘secure and maintain’ to ‘management’ encompasses a softer definition of what should be expected from dentists regarding the treatment that can be provided to NHS patients. It was agreed that any formally proposed changes are sent to BDA / SDPC in tracked changes so that any amendments are easily decipherable. It was also agreed at the request of BDA/ SDPC that any associated definitions should be clearly outlined so that they are not open to interpretation.

The CDO reiterated that when movement is given on the payment reform discussions, BDA / SDPC will be informed promptly. The next fortnightly meeting is due to take place on 12 April, but this will be reviewed as discussions take place with the new Cabinet Secretary.